Anne Michaels
Gabriel Marcel - Max Picard : correspondance, 1947-1965
Anne Marcel, Michaël Picard
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Ouverture Philosophique
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296161702
Cette correspondance appartient à la dernière partie de la vie des deux penseurs, qui eurent très vite le sentiment d'une prédestination, et donnèrent une tournure intime, empreinte d'affection et de franc-parler, à cet échange inégal, où Gabriel Marcel tient le rôle de l'homme pressé, du philosophe itinérant, et Max Picard, celui du sédentaire, casanier. Empreinte de vive affection, cette correspondance est un trésor de réflexions où chacun des interlocuteurs se peignant à vif ne cherche pas à soigner son image.
Immigrant and Refugee Students in Canada
Courtney Anne Brewer, Michael Mccabe
- Brush Education
- 11 Juin 2014
- 9781550595499
Recent immigrants and refugees - both children and their families - often struggle to adapt to Canadian education systems. For their part, educators also face challenges when developing effective strategies to help these students make smooth transitions to their new country.
Immigrant and Refugee Students in Canada, researchers join educators and social workers to provide a thorough and wide-ranging analysis of the issues at the preschool, elementary, secondary and post-secondary levels. By understanding these issues within the unique Canadian context, educators can work more effectively with newcomers trying to find their way.
This book pursues three lines of inquiry:
What are the main challenges that immigrant and refugee children and families face in the Canadian education system?
What are the common aspects of successful intervention?
What can we learn from the narratives of researchers, educators, social workers, and other frontline workers who work with immigrant and refugee families? -
Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports
Michael Hass, Jeanne Anne Carriere
- Wiley
- 24 Mars 2014
- 9781118824948
PRACTICAL GUIDANCE ON WRITING USEFUL, ACCESSIBLE, AND LEGALLY DEFENSIBLE PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL REPORTS From clearly identifying reasons for referral to making recommendations based on assessment results, Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports offers practical guidance for creating reports that enhance the understanding of children and their strengths and challenges in order to better meet their educational and functional needs. The authors offer step-by-step guidelines for developing an assessment plan in a collaborative process with parents, teachers, and other professionals, choosing appropriate assessment and data collection tools, gathering relevant information, and providing clear and feasible individualized recommendations that directly respond to referral concerns in a format easily understood by parents and teachers. Ideal for graduate students in school psychology, school psychologists, and other professionals in related fields who work with children in a school setting, Writing Useful, Accessible, and Legally Defensible Psychoeducational Reports: Provides specific suggestions for increasing the usefulness and accessibility of reports including readability, positive phrasing, and vocabulary Illustrates how to develop well-formed questions and how to choose assessment tools to answer referral questions Reviews the legal mandates of report writing and discusses what must be included Demonstrates how to accurately document and integrate data from record review, interviews, observations, and tests Discusses how the use of the referral-based consultative assessment and report writing model can promote more active involvement in collaboration, prevention, and intervention Features numerous real-world cases, helpful checklists, examples of question-driven referral reports, and a model interview protocol
This book is geared to every student in biology, pharmacy and medicine who needs to become familiar with receptor mediated signaling. The text starts with explaining some basics in membrane biochemistry, hormone biology and the concept of receptor based signaling as the main form of communication between cells and of cells with the environment. It goes on covering each receptor superfamily in detail including their structure and evolutionary context. The last part focusses exclusively on examples where thorough knowledge of receptors is critical: pharmaceutical research, developmental biology, neurobiology and evolutionary biology. Richly illustrated, the book is perfectly suited for all courses covering receptor based signaling, regardless whether they are part of the biology, medicine or pharmacology program.
Espace. No. 116, Printemps 2017
Andre-Louis Pare, Sylvie Parent, Michael Dirisio, Anne-Marie Dubois, Katy Connor, Greg J. Smith, Bernard Schutze, Nathal
- Le Centre de diffusion 3D
- 31 Mai 2017
- 9782923434360
Le Conseil des arts du Canada s'interrogeait récemment sur la place du numérique dans l'univers actuel de la création. Résultat : une consultation auprès de différents acteurs du milieu, et une étude approfondie pour comprendre une nouvelle façon d'appréhender le monde. Le numéro de printemps-été d'Espace explore ainsi les mutations engendrées dans le travail artistique. Car le numérique, qui a envahi nos vies par une série d'appareils désormais « indispensables », est bien plus qu'une forme ou un outil. Encadrés par d'intrigantes iconographies, les textes de neuf auteurs nous éclairent tour à tour sur l'impression 3D dans la sculpture et l'installation, le travail du collectif London Fieldworks ou les mystérieux cubes de Jesse Colin Jackson. Le tandem de Grégory Chatonsky (artiste numérique) et Dominique Sirois (sculptrice) s'exprime sur sa collaboration ponctuelle et la relation symbiotique de leur pratique. Autant de réalisations passionnantes mêlant art, science et technologie.
Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures
Michael Gratzke, Margaret-Anne Hutton, Claire Whitehead
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 3 Juin 2013
- 9783035304695
Readings in Twenty-First-Century European Literatures brings together analyses of post-2000 literary works from twelve European literatures. Sharing a common aim - that of taking the first step in identifying and analysing some of the emergent trends in contemporary European literatures - scholars from across Europe come together in this volume to address a range of issues. Topics include the post-postmodern; the effect of new media on literary production; the relationship between history, fiction and testimony; migrant writing and world literature; representation of ageing and intersexuality; life in hypermodernity; translation, both linguistic and cultural; and the institutional forces at work in the production and reception of twenty-first-century texts. Reading across the twenty chapters affords an opportunity to reconsider what is meant by both `European' and `contemporary literature' and to recontextualize single-discipline perspectives in a comparatist framework.
Marketing- und Kommunikationstrends
Christoph Kochhan, Anne Elsasser, Michael Hachenberg
- Springer Gabler
- 27 Juin 2020
- 9783658308483
Die Interviewstudie fokussiert die zielgruppenspezifische Akzeptanz von Marketing- und Kommunikationstrends. Im Zentrum stehen u.a. Ansätze technischer Art (z.B. Virtual Reality) sowie inhaltliche Optionen (z.B. Purpose Driven Marketing). Vor dem Hintergrund der demographischen Entwicklung bzgl. des Verhältnisses von Digital Immigrants zu Digital Natives wird untersucht, in welchen Kommunikationsoptionen Chancen liegen. Die qualitative Studie basiert auf leitfadengestützten Interviews mit Vertreter*innen der Zielgruppen sowie mit Kommunikationsexpert*innen.
Herpes Zoster: Postherpetic Neuralgia and Other Complications
C. Peter N. Watson, Anne A. Gershon, Michael N. Oxman
- Adis
- 4 Avril 2017
- 9783319443485
Representing a state-of-the-art appraisal of this viral infection and its complications, this book comprises contributions from international authorities in infectious diseases, varicella-voster virus infections, and neuropathic pain. Important new information is presented on the role of the virus in terms of vascular risk, notably in heart attack, stroke and granulomatous angiitis (temporal arteritis). Similarly, new information on gastrointestinal involvement, often in the absence of rash and as seen with vasculopathies, is covered. The reader will benefit from new research into the pathology, pathophysiology and treatment of postherpetic neuralgia and its complications, and special attention is paid to prevention through zoster vaccination using the current zoster vaccine, and a novel, broader option that can be used in immunocompromised patients.This book follows the two editions of the book, Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia, and is divided into sections for the convenience of the reader. A section on herpes zoster includes epidemiology and natural history of the varicella zoster virus, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, neurological complications, the role of varicella zoster virus in giant cell arteritis, concern about increased vascular risk of heart attack and stroke, antiviral therapy, and treatment of skin manifestations. A section on postherpetic neuralgia includes important information on the effect of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia on quality of life, the neuropathology and pathophysiological mechanisms in postherpetic neuralgia, and the new concept of persistent ganglionitis as the cause of postherpetic neuralgia. A comparison is made between facial postherpetic neuralgia and trigeminal neuralgia. There is an extensive section on treatment, including the role of opioids, the general treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, intervention and neurosurgical approaches, and covering guidelines for clinical trial designs in postherpetic neuralgia. A final section addresses the questions of whether aggressive treatment of acute herpes zoster can prevent postherpetic neuralgia and includes a critically important chapter on herpes zoster vaccines.