Stephen Lamb
International Studies in Educational Inequality, Theory and Policy
Marie Duru-Bellat, Richard Teese
- Springer
- 3 Juin 2007
- 9781402059162
Inequality is a marked and persistent feature of education systems, both in the developed and the developing worlds. Major gaps in opportunity and in outcomes have become more critical than in the past, thanks to the knowledge economy and globalization. More and more populations, both rich and poor depend on successful use of school and on gaining post-school qualifications. But access to high-quality schooling, success at school, and chances of higher education all remain socially divided, with implications for economic opportunities, personal growth, and civic and community development.
What causes these divisions in how education systems work? Have decades of public investment brought about at least some improvements, even if major gaps remain? If not, what are the barriers, the social processes which have frustrated the efforts of government?
The pursuit of equity as a goal of public policy is examined in this book through a series of national case-studies, covering many different global contexts from the wealthiest to some of the poorest nations on earth.
What have we learnt from the policy experience globally? Do we know more today than yesterday about the origins of social inequality? Are our policies better framed, better designed to tackle inequality? And which way forward? What does the evidence suggest in terms of future approaches and emphasis?
This work is published in three volumes which together form a 3-volume set. -
International Comparisons of China's Technical and Vocational Education and Training System
Zhenyi Guo
- Springer
- 3 Juillet 2010
- 9789048187430
China is experiencing an unprecedented phenomenon: breakneck industrialization on a scale and at a pace not seen before. It is trying to achieve in just a few decades what Western nations took more than a century to do. The arrival in the country's cities of tens of millions of rural dwellers, at most semi-skilled, has put huge strain on the country's system of vocational education, known as TVET. How have the Chinese authorities and their education administrators responded? Is China's TVET system adapting to the rapidly evolving needs of its industry? Using the province of Yunnan as a subject, this detailed case study is a closely argued and sanguine analysis of the operation of TVET in China. The authors deployed a set of internationally comparable criteria to offer a searching assessment of current performance, at the same time documenting areas of strength and weakness. The question the authors' methodology answers is how well China's TVET system is performing compared to technical and vocational education structures in other countries. In fact, they discover that in Yunnan, a province representative of the challenges faced nationwide, much has indeed been done, from a wholesale overhaul of programs to make them relevant to industry requirements, to major investment in infrastructure. Teacher training has been reformed, and take-up of professional master's and doctoral courses has been encouraged. Joint initiatives with bodies such as UNESCO have improved training and vocational education at high school level.
While there is a strong international history of such comparative evaluations, which are essential for policy makers to benchmark their administration, few studies have included China despite the enormous amount of value that can be learned from that country's experience. This work will provide vital material for researchers, governments and development agencies alike. -
The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education
Barbara Schneider, Mark Berends
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 6 Décembre 2023
- 9781529787467
The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education is an international and comprehensive groundbreaking text that serves as a touchstone for researchers and scholars interested in exploring the intricate relationships between education and society. Leading sociologists from five different continents examine major topics in sociology from a global perspective. This timely, thought-provoking Handbook features contributions from leading and emerging sociology scholars, who provide their own cultural and historical perspectives on diverse-yet universal-topics; these include educational policy, social stratification, and cross-national research. 39 Chapters delve into the pressing issues faced by our global society, such as the effects of residential mobility on educational outcomes, gender and ethnic inequalities, and the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education. Readers will gain a multifaceted view of the contours of educational inequality, from various international perspectives and focusing on country differences, as well as recommendations for expanding the practices, programs, and policies that could reduce the rising tide of inequities-especially for populations most at risk. This Handbook offers rich, diverse perspectives on the interplay between education, social inequality, and human rights around the world, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners across a range of fields, including sociology, education, and social policy.
PART 1: Education and Persistent Inequality
PART 2: Social & Family Contexts
PART 3: Schools & Educational Policy
PART 4: Neighborhoods & Community
PART 5: Education & Innovation in a Global Context