The dynamics of wolof language : sources, borrowings, etymologies...
Ahmed khalifa Niasse
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 20 Juillet 2021
- 9782140186042
In this book it is a matter of accounting for the dynamics of Wolof language, of its borrowings, of its diffusion and mostly the etymologies that are at times amazing and give this book a more poetic than scientific character.
Finitude, Crossing, Blurring Boundaries and Disrupting Tradition in Ordained by the Oracle : A novel by Samuel Asare Konadu
Michel Tinguiri
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 4 Janvier 2024
- 9782336419695
The book analyzes the novel Ordained by the Oracle through socio-cultural, symbolic and anthropological frameworks. It examines funeral rituals, the duality between the visible and invisible worlds, and the role of the oracle, spirits and ancestors in society. The study sheds light on the notions of space, time, myth and reality in the Akan society. It demonstrates that literature crosses disciplinary boundaries and can be seen as a form of anthropology. The analysis will be of interest to students and researchers in African studies, literature, religion, culture, sociology, and anthropology.
Extramural english activities and individual learner differences : a case of Hungary
Balazs Fajt
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 5 Septembre 2024
- 9782336405148
In an era where the ubiquity of the English language intersects seamlessly with global entertainment, today's youth naturally absorb the language while engaging in leisure activities. Delving beyond conventional pedagogical boundaries, this book illuminates how extramural activities, from cinematic experiences to digital gaming, can be exploited as resources for learning English. Employing a rigorous empirical framework, the present research project uncovers evidence that learners who engage in extramural English activities demonstrate higher English learning motivation, reduced English speaking anxiety, and enhanced willingness to communicate in English. Written for language professionals and researchers, this synthesis of empirical results aims to enrich the discourse on English as a Foreign Language learning and teaching. By unravelling the relationship between leisure, motivation, and individual learner differences in general, this book aims to provide readers with important research findings relevant in current foreign language education.
Literary code switching and beyond
Johanna Domokos, Marianna Deagnutti
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 19 Septembre 2024
- 9782336428154
Welcome to a journey into the intricate world of aesthetic multilingualism. This monography delves deep into the realms where diverse linguistic and artistic codes converge to shape the very essence of aesthetic experience. From the authorial motivations to the composition, narrative framework, functional aspects, and multimodal manifestations, it unravels the complexities of code-switching as a powerful aesthetic device. Drawing from a rich tapestry of literary and artistic works, it explores how code-switching transcends linguistic boundaries to create captivating narratives and immersive artistic experiences. The outlined multidimensional approach goes beyond mere linguistic analysis, delving into the intricate interplay of semiotic resources, cultural contexts, and narrative strategies. Through meticulous examination and insightful case studies, it sheds light on the multifaceted nature of aesthetic code-switching, revealing its profound impact on artistic expression and communication. As you embark on this journey, this monography invites you to explore the diverse landscapes of aesthetic multilingualism, where words, sounds, and visuals converge to create art that transcends linguistic and cultural boundaries and captivates the imagination.
Archives, Boundaries and Roots : Thematic and Stylistic Reading of Les Larmes des racines. A Novel by Amadou Ouédraogo
Michel Tinguiri
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 9 Janvier 2025
- 9782336507620
The study explores the novel's settings, from Sodeni and Govié to the Upper Savannah and the United States, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between place and identity. It explores Amadou Ouédraogo's use of evocative symbols and metaphors that echo prevalent themes in African literature, including dual identity and post-colonial reckonings, and the emblematic theme of return. The analysis contextualizes the novel within contemporary African literary theory, establishing meaningful connections with seminal thinkers such as Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, and Ngugi wa Thiong'o. Through multiple theoretical frameworks, including autoethnography, Neo-Fanonism, and Mircea Eliade's conceptualization of sacred and cyclical time, the study positions Les larmes des racines as a significant contribution to African literature, African studies, anthropology, and the broader humanities.
Friedrich Hölderlin
- Editions L'Harmattan
- De L'Allemand
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296295452
Traversant les derniers feux du XVIIIe siècle et les premières rigueurs du XIXe, Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843) devient l'emblème de l'énigme poétique, tissant des liens indéfectibles entre philosophie et poésie, créant une langue limpide et riche d'inépuisables secrets. Chaque poème donne ainsi témoignage de la force révolutionnaire de la langue : mais de quelle révolution parlait-il, lui qui, dit-on, finit reclus et fou à la tour de Tübingen. Une voie d'accès au texte, renouvelée de fond en comble par les auteurs au terme de nombreuses années de travaux.
Professional english : a handbook for business - anglais professionnel : un manuel pour les affaires
Christophe Sekene Diouf
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 8 Avril 2020
- 9782336897653
Professional English: a Handbook for Business, Anglais professionnel : un manuel pour les affaires améliorera votre méthode et donc vos résultats dans l'apprentissage de l'anglais comme langue étrangère appliquée aux affaires. L'objectif spécifique est de renforcer vos éléments de base d'anglais utilisé dans l'environnement de l'entreprise. Pour allier théorie et pratique, et apprendre de manière plus ludique, vous trouverez des jeux de rôle. Ce manuel se focalise donc sur une communication active et interactive, permettant de mettre en pratique des situations rencontrées dans le monde socio-professionnel à travers des simulations.
Endangered literature ; essays on translingualism, interculturality, and vulnerability
Johanna Domokos
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 10 Juillet 2020
- 9782140154010
The present publication focuses on the examination of literary diversity. One the one hand it deals with the litarature of various endangered languages (especially that of the Sami), and develops first considerations in constructing a comparative paradigm for mapping the vulnerability of literary processes. On the other, this books pays attention to thematic, formal and stylistic aspects of contemporary translingual literary productions. Special attention is here given to the latest developments in the Finnish literary field. The foci of endangerment and translingualism require addressing several other related literary phenomena such as literary ecology, écriture multiculturelle, code-switching or intercultural dialogism in present day world literature.
A collection of 11 essays in american literature and civilization by senegalese scholars
Daouda Loum
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 26 Août 2021
- 9782140187520
The present book is a collection of eleven critical essays on American literature and civilization. The authors, mostly all members of the American and Caribbean Studies Laboratory of Cheikh Anta Diop University, have analyzed a wide range of features of American literature and civilization from the birth of the nation to modern and postmodern times. However, the editor would like to draw the readers' attention that the authors are entirely responsible for the contents of their articles.
The verb in akoose : descriptive and theoretical perspectives
Michael Etuge apuge
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 14 Décembre 2021
- 9782336948935
The Verb in Akoose: descriptive and theoretical perspectives discusses an aspect of grammar, namely the verb, in a narrow-Bantu language spoken in Cameroon. The book combines descriptive and theoretical perspectives, but it intends primarily to serve a theoretical purpose. The analysis illustrates how morphology interacts with syntax to trigger the movement of syntactic units (object shift and verb raising) in Akoose within the ambits of the Minimalist Program.
Linguistic research in the fields of content development and documentation
Agota Foris, Andrea Bolcskei
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 7 Février 2023
- 9782140245671
Samuel Beckett's endgame and hungarian opening gambits
Anita Rakoczy
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 23 Janvier 2023
- 9782140245664
The focus of this book is twofold: first, Samuel Beckett's Endgame, its genesis and post-publication development, and second, the reception of his dramas in Hungary. There are, of course, overlaps between the two topics, for example, Gyrgy Kurtág's Fin de partie opera, István Paál's first stage direction of Endgame in Hungary, or Gábor Zsámbéki's TV-recording of the play, which preceded the stage premiere. However, the real bonding agent of the book is the dramaturgy and theatricality of Beckett's work, whether it be unpublished manuscript fragment, full length play or Beckett-staging in scope. This book intends to present Beckett-productions that were the first in one way or another, either the most productive Hungarian-language Beckett-director's oeuvre, a Hungarian premiere, the first Godot-staging after 1989, the first Beckett shows in a theatre's entire programme since its foundation, or the very first Fin de partie opera. All of these involved a certain amount of risk taking, just as one would expect from opening gambits in a game of chess. This is the first time that a selection of Hungarian Endgames and other Beckett-stagings has entered the international platform of Beckett scholarship, to engage in a broader dialogue with artists, scholars, and students around the globe. ANITA RÁKÓCZY is dramaturge, theatre critic, and Lecturer at Károli Gáspár University of The Reformed Church in Hungary. She has conducted research on Samuel Beckett's Fin de partie at CUNY Graduate Centre New York as a Fulbright Scholar, and also in the University of Reading's Samuel Beckett Collection. She has worked for the Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute and the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Hungarian Centre. She has published in Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui and the Journal of Beckett Studies. With Mariko Hori Tanaka and Nicholas Johnson, she co-edited Influencing Beckett / Beckett Influencing (Collection Károli L'Harmattan, 2020).
Schnittpunkte band 2 : studien zur germanistik und hungarologie
Laszlo Tarnoi
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 7 Février 2023
- 9782140239939
Vorliegender Band bietet einen Einblick in die ,Werkstatt` eines Germanisten und Hungarologen. Er enthält diverse Studientexte zu Forschungsprojekten und von wissenschaftlichen Kolloquien sowie Universitätsvorlesungen und sonstigen Vorträgen mit Themenschwerpunkten aus der deutschen und ungarischen Lyrik vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Das Untersuchungsinteresse dabei galt vor allem epochalen Wandlungen der lyrischen Welterlebnisse: In dem Sinne thematisieren diese Texte u. a. Innovationen der angehenden Barocklyrik, Eigenheiten der synchronen Blüte des vielfältigen poetischen Angebotes in der Goethezeit und darüber hinaus aber auch Parallelen und gegenseitig fruchtbare Beziehungen in der Entwicklung der deutschen und ungarischen Dichtung bis zur nahen Vergangenheit. Hierbei kommt dem Problemkomplex Nachdichtung (dieses Mal auch als Kulturtransfer in Forschung und Lehre) wiederholt eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Der deutsch-ungarischen Thematik nicht widersprechend widmet sich der Autor dem Gedenken des Begründers der Auslandshungarologie, dem 1926 in Berlin verstorbenen Prof. Robert Gragger und seinem OEuvre. Zur Schärfung der Konturen der literaturhistorischen ,Schnittpunkte` hat in diesem Band auch die simultane (germanistische und hungarologische) Sicht des Verfassers beigetragen.