Sciences humaines
Mandela ; the leader model for the XXI century
Martin n. Etoundi ngono
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Cameroun
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296805613
The purpose of this book is to present Mandela's leadership and how it can be possible for the future leaders to copy it. Mandela's leadership is a book written to help understanding the way Mandela took to lead South Africa.
La reconnaissance artistique à l'épreuve des stéréotypes de genre / artistic recognition challenged by gender stereotypes
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296821521
Cet Opus est le deuxième volet du double numéro spécial publié par la revue Sociologie de l'art - Opus sur les stéréotypes genrés dans l'art. Ce volume centre ainsi son questionnement sur les liens pouvant exister entre la présence de stéréotypes genrés dans les mondes de l'art et la reconnaissance artistique, professionnelle, sociale ou économique des femmes artistes, comparativement à celle dont jouissent leurs homologues masculins.
Construire l'Europe, la démocratie et la société civile de la Russie aux Balkans
Denis Rolland
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Inter-National
- 12 Octobre 2015
- 9782296803114
Le Conseil de l'Europe, institution créée en 1949, rassemble 47 pays et ne dépend pas de l'Union européenne. Sa vocation politique a été dynamisée par la désagrégation de l'Europe communiste. Il promeut des Ecoles politiques ou Ecoles de la démocratie qui suscitent des cycles de rencontre et de formation de jeunes acteurs politiques et animateurs de la société civile dans les seize pays, des Balkans au Caucase. (Des articles en français et en anglais).
Saint-Martin ; destabilization of the French Caribbean
Daniella Jeffry
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782336280073
The implementation of a system of economic, social and linguistic domination on the French part of Saint-Martin as of 1977 irremediably transformed the islanders' peaceful lifestyle and quality of life. The island became a type of Eldorado in which the world of business, drugs, illegality, criminality and all kinds of trafficking unfortunately prevailed. The natives are almost eliminated from the social and economic structure, and their Caribbean culture is stifled.
Figures de violence
Richard Bégin, Bernard Perron, Lucie Roy
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Mars 2012
- 9782296946330
Depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, la violence n'a plus pour seul témoin le protagoniste présent au moment des faits. Elle a désormais pour contemporaine une société de lecteurs, de spectateurs, de joueurs et d'internautes. Cet ouvrage souhaite précisément interroger l'apport des différentes pratiques médiatiques dans le processus de transmission de la violence et témoigner de la constante transfiguration de ses contours émotionnels, dont les fictions culturelles, sociales ou politiques tirent parfois profit.
Le contrat républicain ; mise en place des institutions républicaines et des méthodes et traditions démocratiques
Adamou Ndam njoya
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Cameroun
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296802186
En Afrique s'est installée la culture du pouvoir personnel et égoïste. Ainsi des groupes d'intérêt s'imposent, fondant l'autorité de l'Etat sur la force, abandonnant les nobles objectifs républicains, cultivant la corruption. Avec le Contrat républicain on va vivre et revivre les comportements républicains et démocratiques ; mettre en avant, par les institutions et les individus, les objectifs communs, d'intérêt général, en vue du bonheur de chaque personne et de tout le monde.
Rationalisation et résistance postmodernisme
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Février 2011
- 9782296802605
Dans le prolongement du précédent numéro (Théorie/Epistémologie/Littérature), le dossier présenté ici s'intéresse aux questions de rationalisation, de résistance, au postmodernisme. Les articles, sur les mobilisations dans les espaces artistiques contemporains aux États-Unis (Violaine Roussel), l'art public (Lisa K. Zottarelli et Elisabeth Liebig), le cinéma (Yann Kilborne), l'avant-garde chinoise (Julia Chi Zhang), proposent autant d'entrées sur une thématique transversale et d'actualité en sociologie de l'art.
From political dissidence to extremism : a guide on countering terrorism in africa - the case of the
Emmanuel Roger Motaze
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 15 Mai 2020
- 9782336900438
For over three decades, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), which is the case study, has been one of the most notorious groups in Africa, causing devastating impacts in the Great Lakes Region. Here is a study sample for the application of the international relations (IR) theories of realism, transnationalism and functionalism. This step by step guide into countering and defeating terrorism in Africa takes into account the advancing of the scientific, academic, and political understanding of the various reasons behind radicalization.
Language and underdevelopment ; the case of Burkina Faso
Hien alain Noindonmon
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 6 Novembre 2020
- 9782336913551
Although language plays a key role in national development, African languages are still seen as less important for the development of African nations. This book examines the linguistic situation and the language policy of Burkina Faso and argues that most of the problems faced by (young) Burkinabè are caused by the language policy of their country, a language policy that forces them to be educated in a language they haven't mastered. The author proposes a new language policy which could help improve education and the development of Burkina Faso.
Psychiatry, mental health and a shared professional culture : an european tutor training programme
Laurence Fond-harmant, Jocelyne Deloyer, Marie-clotilde Lebas
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 24 Septembre 2021
- 9782336941233
In the European context of vocational crisis in the psychiatric and mental health professions, structural changes are taking place, with direct consequences on training and professional practices in care and psychosocial support, both within and outside psychiatric hospitals. How do you develop a European mentoring programme in the mental health sector, based on a refl ective pedagogy to build a shared culture? How did the partners, professionals, teachers and researchers get involved? How did they navigate diff erent organisational structures across Europe and varied trajectories? Based on the concrete and innovative example of the TuTo+ programme, this book takes a cross-disciplinary look at these issues.
Ahmadis and muslim identity in diaspora : a short study of anti-ahmadi opposition in britain
Mahrukh Arif-tayyeb
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Mars 2022
- 9782140208461
In the introduction to his book, Yohannan Friedmann wrote that the Ahmadiyya has been one of the "most active and controversial movements within modern Islam". Indeed, the Muslimness of the Ahmadis has been debated ever since the inception of the movement in the 19th century, where several successive fatwas declared its supporters to be heretics and deviants. In Pakistan, this Muslim minority will be declared non-muslim through a Constitutional amendment and later an Ordinance will go as far as criminalizing their right to be Muslims. The community will thus face a wave of persecution and violence under the sight of the Pakistani State's silence. In 1984, the community led by a caliphate will find refuge in Britain and will start to explore the freedom to express and display their religious identity in a visible manner.
Through the theoretical framework of two sociologists of the School of Chicago - Howard Becker and Erving Goffman - and their work on deviant communities, this book explores to what extent the lack of recognition of the Muslim identity of Ahmadis in Pakistan evolves in the specific diasporic context of Britain.
This book examines the relationship between the treatment of a politically controlled minority in a theocracy and the modalities of its importation into a Western democracy. -
Leisure activities amidst the Covid-19 health crisis
Annie laurence Sikali
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 24 Mai 2022
- 9782140265822
The outbreak of Covid-19 which upset socio-economic and political life has heavily affected recreational activity. New frameworks with priority on health security have had to be established for all situations involving games and the use of recreational activities. This booklet examines the procedures that are being implemented for leisure within this unusual framework. In general terms, in Africa, this pandemic came to challenge a developing leisure environment with far-reaching infrastructural needs, compounded by persistent ignorance and unawareness of technical and administrative requirements. This publication, a handbook for leisure organisers and officials, highlights legal provisions and outlines some of the procedures currently in use. Overall, it calls on administrators of local and regional authorities to acquaint themselves with both the old and new recreational activities and reap the numerous benefits they offer for their entire communities.
Understanding the "ambazonia" nightmare : politics and geopolitics of a national security dilemma
Max zachée saintclair Mbida onambélé
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 30 Mai 2022
- 9782140263729
The "Ambazonian" Nightmare tells the story of how the now almost six years of instability started in the two English speaking regions of the Republic of Cameroon. The swiftly consolidating insecurity dilemma holds within two contradictory historical mistakes: the enforcement of the English speaking Cameroon's populations resentment of specificity and marginality and the paradoxical laxism of Cameroon's national security and defence system. Yet, the security system was not weak but negligent of the threat of an "Anglophone" revolutionary agenda and the challenge it was posing to the unity of the nation and the philosophy of national integration.
A dangerous abyss called Pakistan
Olivier Guillard
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 22 Septembre 2022
- 9782140294082
In April 2022, while Pakistan is getting bogged down in partisan chaos threatening to turn violent, an umpteenth crisis pits Prime Minister Khan against the opposition. Defeated by a vote of no confidence, the former national sports icon turned politician gave way with little grace to a 23rd head of government. But in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a change of leader rarely rhymes with serenity... A quarter later, the governmental 'facelift' has had little effect on the myriad of ills precipitating this South Asian nation further towards the precipice, even though the regional environment (return of the Taliban to Afghanistan a year earlier) and the international context (shockwaves from the Russian invasion of Ukraine; exacerbation of China's strategic ambitions; pandemic of Covid) add considerably to the uncertainty.As Pakistan celebrates in 2022 its 75th anniversary, what does it have in store for its 226 million citizens, its neighbors, and the international community? This book proposes to nourish the readers' reflection on the 'Pakistani patient', and presents to the stakeholders some recommendations likely to keep the country away from the claws of chaos.
Party Politics and the Electoral System in Cameroon: changes in continuity 1948 - 2018
René Ngek monteh, Lon Nfi
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 19 Juillet 2023
- 9782140489747
Few concepts are more central to the modern state and, at the same time, more difficult to define than the concepts of political parties, democracy, and elections. Based on primary, secondary, and alternative sources, the author nonetheless try to defy the odds and explain these concepts as clearly as possible in the context of Cameroon from 1948, the year in which the first political party (UPC) was created and went operational, to 2018, the year in which the last presidential elections took place. In this book, political parties are presented as central institutions of a modern democracy at different epochs. The characteristics and functions of parties, the basic elements of their organisation, their political and social context, as well as the problems of party democracy and the specific challenges faced by parties, besides proposed solutions from within the time frame, are the main issues.
Ehlers-Danlos : Die von der Medizin vergessene Krankheit
Claude Hamonet
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 6 Avril 2023
- 9782140347061
Die Krankheit Ehlers-Danlos ist eine Erbkrankheit, die das gesamte Bindegewebe, d.h. fast alle Gewebe des menschlichen Krpers mit Ausnahme des Nervensystems, auf diffuse, aber sehr variable Weise befällt. Die Diagnose ist mit Sicherheit mglich, wenn eine signifikante Häufung von klinischen Zeichen und das Vorhandensein anderer familiärer Fälle vorliegen. Die Übertragung erfolgt systematisch an alle Kinder von Eltern mit mindestens einem betroffenen Elternteil. Dies ist ein Argument, um die irrtümliche Anschuldigung der Gewalt an einem Säugling mit spontanen Prellungen oder Brüchen zu entkräften. Alle Menschen mit Ehlers-Danlos knnen Aneurysmen haben, die systematisch überprüft werden sollten. Sie ist keine seltene Krankheit, sondern im Gegenteil sehr häufig (2% der franzsischen Bevlkerung). Es handelt sich nicht um eine seltene Erkrankung, zumal wirksame Behandlungen zur Linderung der funktionellen Folgen eingeführt wurden, hauptsächlich Orthesen einschließlich spezieller Kompressionskleidung und einer intermittierender Sauerstofftherapie. Dieses Buch liefert die Antworten, auf die Hunderttausende von Patienten warten, um ihr Leiden und die vielfältigen Situationen der Behinderung zu erklären, denen sie tagtäglich begegnen, meist im manchmal feindseligen Unverständnis ihrer Umgebung und ihrer Ärzte.
Reflections on a sustainable society ; humanity in the mirror
Isabelle Richaud
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Biologie, écologie, agronomie
- 1 Avril 2017
- 9782336785905
We are on the verge of a true crisis of civilisation : ecological disruption, chronic insatisfaction of the basic needs of a large part of humanity and degrading physical and mental health in industrialised countries. We must address the crisis's main cause : the pursuit of a development approach focused on economic growth and based on intensive, inefficient use of natural resources. This book is a call for humanity to look itself in the mirror, question its identity as a species and re-examine its place in this world.
Beitrag vom fremdsprachenlernen zur interkulturellen kommunikation ; am beispiel des deutschen
Maméry m. Traoré
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 18 Novembre 2020
- 9782336914411
In der vorliegenden Publikation versucht der Autor, die Bedeutung des Fremdsprachenlernens in den jeweiligen Ländern zu beschreiben, damit die interkulturelle Kommunikation zwischen Kulturen befrdert wird. Denn wenn eine gute Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Menschen besteht, knnen dadurch gute konomische und kulturelle Beziehungen entstehen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache wäre damit ein sehr gutes Beispiel in der deutschen Sprachpolitik.
Women peace and conflicts in traditional african society ; understanding the contradicitons related to violence against women in Central Africa
Jean-jacques Purisi sadiki
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296933880
Africa remains the region in the world where conflicts and massive violations of human rights, and in particular violence against women, have remained the highest world-wide, since the Second World War. This book analyses the strength and the importance of women in the corridors of power and their role in mechanisms for conflict resolution, prevention and transformation in the past, particularly in the Great Lakes region before the arrival of Europeans on the continent.
Rhetorical preaching ; studies on rhetoric, homiletics & preaching
Zoltán Literáty
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 25 Septembre 2020
- 9782336909523
The goal of this book is to demonstrate that sermons are "rhetorical" speeches by nature. The simplest argument is that it would be difficult to imagine a sermon without intent, and all international speeches are rhetorical by definition. This work focuses on the fact that rhetoric, as the intrinsic cohesive power of speech, is not a question of form, style or representation but a practical skill based on "common sense" that produces effective speech in the most optimal way possible.
Sprache und interkulturelle kommunikation : zur rolle des fremdsprachenlernens im kulturellen aust
Maméry m. Traoré
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 18 Novembre 2020
- 9782336914404
In der vorliegenden Publikation versucht der Autor, die Bedeutung des Fremdsprachenlernens (im Hinblick auf das Erlernen des Deutschen und Bamanan im Ausland) zu beschreiben, damit die interkulturelle
Kommunikation zwischen den jeweiligen Ländern im Norden und im Süden befrdert wird. Denn wenn eine gute Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Menschen besteht, knnen dadurch gute konomische und kulturelle Beziehungen entstehen. Eine solche Sprachpolitik knnte mehrere kulturelle Missverständnisse in der Kommunikation vermeiden; damit werden auch Stereotype zwischen Kulturen abgebaut. -
Vamos falar Caboverdiano ; lingua e cultura
Nicolas Quint
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Juillet 2010
- 9782296687417
O caboverdiano, ou crioulo de Cabo Verde, é a língua materna da cantora Cesária Évora e de mais de um milhão de pessoas espalhadas pelo mundo, mais de cem mil das quais são residentes em Portugal. Esta obra, a primeira no género em língua portuguesa, mediante um conjunto de vinte e três lições de dificuldade crescente, proporciona acesso facilitado e metódico à língua caboverdiana e à cultura que nela se inscreve.SS
2009-2012 Obama's First Term, Bush's "Legacy", Arab Spring & World Jihadism
Karl M. Van Meter
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 15 Octobre 2016
- 9782336773506
This work is based on the systematically use of computer-assisted co-occurrence of key words analysis of English-language media reports. With almost 20 entries per day or over 6,000 press reports per year, we not only characterize, for each year of Obama's first term, the overall structure to world media representation of major topics of international conflict, but also define in detail the thematic clusters of reports,
their internal structure, their external relationships and their evolution over time. Each of the four years is treated in a separate chapter and results are summarized in the final chapter, along with anticipations concerning the future. -
Jeunesse africaine ; "bombe à retardement" ou opportunité historique ? africa youth ; "time bomb" or historic opportunity?
Africa initiative group
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Harmattan Côte-d'Ivoire
- 15 Mai 2017
- 9782336789590
L'analyse en profondeur de la situation actuelle de la jeunesse africaine conduit à un pronostic très sombre pour le futur, à moins d'une véritable inversion des politiques actuelles vers de nouveaux "tropismes" : remettre la jeunesse "au coeur" de la politique et mettre l'emploi au centre de la politique économique. Cet enchaînement d'actions conduira à un véritable changement de paradigme, et l'implication de la jeunesse dans cette entreprise sera décisive (ouvrage bilingue).