Sciences du langage
Proverbes et expressions bassa traduits en français
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 1 Janvier 2013
- 9782296513174
L'auteur met au service de tous les Proverbes et expressions bassa, un outil véritablement indispensable pour l'apprentissage et la maîtrise de la langue bassa. Cette langue devient enfin ce que les ancêtres ont toujours voulu qu'elle soit : un bassa à la portée de son public, qu'il entraîne sans difficulté dans ses divers imaginaires.
From Humboldt to Wade and beyond : the philosophy of higher education in Senegal
Sokhna a. rosalie Ndiaye
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 20 Mai 2021
- 9782140180118
The book presents an analysis of the evolution of higher education in Senegal through the lens of the philosophies and ideas from which originate the different policies and interventions catalogued through time. From the University of Wilhelm von Humboldt to the University of Abdoulaye Wade, the higher education of Senegal has gone through phases of deep mutation.
Hundert Jahre Deutschunterricht in Kamerun 1910 - 2010 : Von Deutsch als Bildungssprache zu Deutsch als Unterrichtsfach
Claude marie Mbia
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Enseignement et éducation en Afrique
- 15 Avril 2016
- 9782140007606
Noch immer wirft Deutschlands koloniale Präsenz in Kamerun, die dreissig Jahre dauerte und heute ein Jahrhundert zurûckliegt, zahlreiche Fragen auf. Außer dem von der UNO neulich gelösten Problem von Grenzziehung in Bakassi, bleibt die Frage des Deutschunterrrichts in Kamerun eine große Sorge. Soll der Deutschunterricht in Kamerun den Bedürfnissen und Interessen der Deutschen oder denen der Kameruner dienen ? Welche Bilanz könnte man nach einer hunderjährigen Praxis ziehen ? (Ouvrage intégralement en allemand).
Language and underdevelopment ; the case of Burkina Faso
Hien alain Noindonmon
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 6 Novembre 2020
- 9782336913551
Although language plays a key role in national development, African languages are still seen as less important for the development of African nations. This book examines the linguistic situation and the language policy of Burkina Faso and argues that most of the problems faced by (young) Burkinabè are caused by the language policy of their country, a language policy that forces them to be educated in a language they haven't mastered. The author proposes a new language policy which could help improve education and the development of Burkina Faso.
Il y a deux modèles d'accentuation de mots en anglais. Tous deux sont basés sur le modèle d'accentuation de mots latin. Le but de ce travail est de présenter ces deux modèles, illustrés par des listes assez exhaustives d'exemples avec une approche totalement différente de celle des travaux antérieurs. Ce manuel offre à l'étudiant, au professeur d'anglais et à ceux qui pratiquent l'anglais des solutions à des problèmes jusque-là non résolus.
There are two main types of word-stress in english . The aim of this work is to present these two word-stress, which are confirmed and exemplified by nearly exhaustive lists, in an approach which is completely different from those in previous studies. -
Typologie et documentation des langues en Afrique de l'ouest ; les actes du 27e congrès de la Société de Luinguistique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (SLAO)
Firmin Ahoua, Benjamin Ohi elugbe
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Études africaines
- 15 Mai 2017
- 9782140037344
Ce corpus consacré aux langues africaines s'est intéressé particulièrement : 1) aux enjeux de la langue en relation avec le développement de la société, la culture et la construction et le maintien de la paix; 2) aux complexités et typologies des langues africaines; 3) à la perspective historique sur les langues africaines (des contributions en français et en anglais).
D'une langue à l'autre... de l'éxil a l'intégration ; from one language to another from exile to integrat
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 14 Novembre 2018
- 9782336856254
À partir des questions touchant à l'apprentissage de la langue, les articles rassemblés dans ce numéro traitent de l'accueil et de la rencontre de l'autre, qu'il soit exilé, réfugié, mineur isolé étranger ou membre d'une minorité. Et pose des questions inévitablement sur sa présence, entre acceptation et rejet.
Starting from language learning, this volume deals with issues related to the welcoming and the meeting of the other, whether he is exile, refugee, unaccompanied minor or member of a minority, and raises questions posed by his presence, between acceptance and rejection. Jennifer KERZIL -
Across disciplinary boundaries ; publications of the itecom academy
Mamadou Kandji
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 4 Février 2020
- 9782336892894
The present volume of Publications of the ITECOM Academy accords with the editorial policy which presided over the preceding ones. All the papers proposed to our readers cover a wide range of issues on literature, linguistics, politics, economics, management of public and private policies, and more globally sociocultural dynamics. Like the previous volumes, it preserves the bilingual policy of the journal.
Education in Cameroon : the how and the why - portrayed in the light of educational reforms
Ndashi Nchimenyi
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 16 Avril 2020
- 9782336898353
This book examines the concept of education in Cameroon from an operational perspective; how things are done in the sector and why we are there today. It portrays the social representation of the concept of education in the minds of Cameroonians, and the impacts of such perception on education outcome.
Digital media and storytelling in higher education
Anita Lanszki
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 12 Mai 2023
- 9782140306983
Anita Lanszki's book is about storytelling in the digital media environment. The enterprise is both classical in that it explores the nature of storytelling, which is found in all historical periods and human communities, and modern in that it undertakes a broad overview of contemporary digital culture from the perspective of storytelling. The book is also a methodological guide, illustrated with numerous examples, which has emerged organically from the author's many years of teaching experience. Although the title reflects a focus on the use of digital storytelling in various fields of higher education and research, this excellent work can also be used by professionals working in other spheres of education. Whatever our views on the digital space and age may be, we can probably all agree that we are witnessing a democratization of storytelling in our time. The insights in this book are therefore extremely useful for anyone who is interested in how the timeless practice of storytelling is adapting to the new media environment.
Hungarian-English Linguistic Contrasts : A practical approach
Pal Heltai
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 21 Mars 2024
- 9782336405056
There is no denying that linguistic contrasts between languages can have an impact on the learning of foreign languages, and there is no doubt that an awareness of the differences between the mother tongue (L1) and the foreign or second language being learnt (L2) can help learners to acquire the L2. The aim of this book is to acquaint Hungarian students of English with some of the linguistic contrasts between English and Hungarian that may affect their own and their future students' learning of English. The author, Pál Heltai, provides a summary of the most important principles and concepts proposed by classical contrastive analysis, highlighting those that have retained their relevance for foreign language teaching over the years and presents an overview of the most important contrasts between English and Hungarian at the level of- phonetics, syntax, lexicology, pragmatics and translation. Most chapters consist of a theoretical introduction complemented by illustrative texts with example sentences and translations. The book provides a good opportunity for students to recapitulate or supplement some of the material covered earlier in their linguistics courses at university and shows the relevance of these disciplines to foreign language learning, teaching and translation. This is the revised version of the previous book, supplemented by suggested solutions to the exercises. This edition is also available online.
Problèmes linguistiques de la traduction ; l'horlogerie de Saint-Jérôme
Jean-claude Chevalier, Marie-france Delport
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Sémantiques
- 19 Novembre 2010
- 9782296308282